Monday, May 2, 2016

Swan v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education

The case of Swan v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education had to deal with the issue of bussing segregating the school system based on the Board manipulating boundaries to keep schools segregated by zoning. Even African American children closer to white schools still were forced to be bussed to the predominantly black schools.

Mood court :
Swan: arguments made
- Violated the 14th amendment by forcing African American students to be bussed to different schools based on race
- Separate but equal argument was over turned and needed to be abided by the law
-Besides the 14th amendment other federal laws such as civil rights acts must be obeyed. Money goes into these cases so why ignore the verdicts.
-Unconstitutional and unfair learning opportunities for African American children
-Being forced to be transported to further schools and disrupts everyday life
-Go against the ideals in Brown v. The Board
-Since 1868 our constitution has called for equal treatment under the law
-school system took affirmative steps to cause segregation

Board of Education: arguments
-zoning is not illegal
-Put funds to good use into the schools instead to bussing African Americans to different schools and build up the school system
-Impracticable to try to achieve 100% fairness because someone is always going to feel screwed
-If you don't like it you can move. You are not forced to live where you live.

I argued the side of Swan and I agree with it and the decision. Schools were desegregated for a reason. America needs to get progress in order to get away from the constant racism and discrimination that this county has constantly seen.

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