Monday, May 2, 2016

Seprate is not Equal

Arguably one of the most landmark cases that forever changed this nation was that of Brown v. the Board which in turn also overturned the Plessy v. Ferguson decision separate but equal. Brown v. the Board made it clear that separate was no longer equal and chose to integrate the school systems. This was a very hard process due to those who objected and used violence to protest fueled by their hate for the African American race. This was a hard process but we can thank those of the past as now school communities, workplaces, etc are all racially diverse.

It's hard to look back on history and remember that no too long ago everyone was separate from each other. White children did not go to school with black children. And it was not until 1954 in the Brown v. Board case that this country realized it needed to change. Times were changing and it could no longer be denied that separate was not equal. The schooling systems for African American children verses white children was unfair and unconstitutional. Growing up I never had to experience any type of segregation based on race. I could play with who I wanted to and not be judged based upon it. I grew up going to school and playing sports with people from all different backgrounds. I believe being surrounded by diversity helped me grow up well cultured and respecting others who are different than I am.

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