Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Racism; a problem as old as time

Racism is still very apparent in the culture that we live in today. It's been around for so long . I can go back to my earliest memories as a child and remember adults making racial slurs at others or even children making racial slurs to other children. It's sad to think back on all the progress this country has made on racism but realize that it may never disappear and always be present in our lives.

As a Biology major I understand how genetics work and how you are passed down traits from your parents and for the most part that is where your appearance comes from. Skin color, eye color, hair color, they are all just traits. There is no trait that is better than the other. Variation is what is good and keeps us thriving. So to me, judging someone based on their appearance or skin just makes absolutely no sense. We are a modern society, we are developed, it really is a shame that we still have to deal with racism.

I really do feel as though racism is one of the biggest issues we are currently dealing with in our country. Every time I turn on the news or look on Facebook there is a new story about police brutality or Donald Trump blaming other races for issues in our country. Riots happen all the time over this issue and people die for this. I really hope one day that we can figure it out. 


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