Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Has Society Made Progress?

If one thing has control over everyone's life today it's social media. I know social media is something I'm on everyday. I'm not even on social media for entertaining purposes anymore, its now how I get updates for groups, sports, and even academics that I'm involved in. People all over the world are on social media today, even my ten year old sister has a facebook, snapchat, etc. It's crazy how far and dependent people have become on social media.

Lately I've been seeing a lot having to do with the election all over social media, especially on facebook and twitter. I usually come across videos of Donald Trump's campaign or conversations of people attacking each other over social media. The things people say to each other on social media are not only repulsive but makes it seem like we have made no progress since the civil rights era. I read an article about a woman, a black woman who made a tweet about Donald Trump and the backlash she received was just absurd. Her tweet was "It scares me. Especially when I get hate mail alluding to how Trump will "fix" black people. Idk what that means and I am afraid to know." So many people responded to this tweet with racial slurs towards the woman. It made me sad that she was being attacked for expressing her opinion.
In almost every response tweet I read was people telling her to go back to Africa or to get used to living in a country with white power. One person actually said that when Donald Trump wins "to be fair he will give you the choice between slavery or deportation." This behavior makes me wonder if our country has made any progress at all since the civil rights error and even before then. Social makes it so easy for all of the ignorant people out there to attack anyone who is different from their narrow mindset. I hope one day the Internet won't be such a harsh place of people constantly attacking each other

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