Sunday, April 10, 2016

Plessy v. Ferguson

Plessy v. Ferguson was a landmark case that ruled "separate but equal" for segregated train cars. This case went to a supreme court and had a seven to one ruling. Justice Harlan said that by allowing public authority to segregate train cars was a violation of African-Americans constitutional rights. Justice Harlan compared this case to that of Dred Scott and said that one day this ruling will be overturned and struck as unconstitutional just like that of Dred Scott.

It is so clear to see how this ruling was a violation of the 13th and 14th amendments. This also violated the civil rights act. Only one Justice at the time of this ruling could see how wrong it was to separate people on a train by race. At this time period everyone was so blinded by racism that African-Americans were constantly being denied their rights as citizens. We know today that separate but equal was never actually that. It was a deliberate mechanism that tried to take away African-American's rights fueled only by racism and hate. As a country we have made so much progress from the time of the Plessy v. Ferguson case; with that being said progress must continue to happen,  racism is still not eradicated and citizens are denied their rights everyday.